123Movies – Watch and Download HD Movies Online | 123Movies go for Free


123Movies go is a well-known streaming and download website where users can watch free movies online, as well as download such to watch offline when they are less busy. 123movies is termed to be an illegal website flagged with piracy that leaks HD movies online.

All 123movies are free to watch either on your mobile device or PC without interruption and no advertisement of any kind. Users can stream online on this platform and it’s all free. This article is basically written to provide you with the necessary information concerning 123Movies4u and how it operates.


What is 123Movies?

123movies website is precisely created to entertain users by providing them with unlimited access to movies and TV series in HD quality. This platform has lots of interesting movies ranging from action, comedy, drama, animation, series, adventures, and lots of others. Movies are constantly uploaded to the site since it was created in 2015.

Meanwhile, Motion pictures Association of American has pronounced 123Movies.to as one of the highest popular websites that is illegal in the world. What happened to 123movies? In 2018 it was shut down due to criminal investigation been carried out by the Vietnam authority.

Since 123Movies doesn’t have a copyright on it rather all the content available on its entertainment website is pirated.

However, the original site 123Movies.com will not open in Google. Nevertheless, 123movies proxy is still on and running through clone sites offering similar services, this site will redirect you to other platform or copy and paste the URL on your browser.

  • 123movies.la
  • 123movies.org
  • 123movies.site
  • 123movies.net
  • 123movies.haus

Features of 123Movies Free Website

Considering how competitive it is on the internet on free movies website, the 123movies platform has a simple search interface. Using the categories you are bound to find all kinds of movies to watch online at the same time download.

  • Movies – the category of movies you will see ranges from Top viewed, recently added, Latest, Top Rated, and In Cinemas.
  • TV Series – make use of the features like Latest, Top viewed, Features, Top rated, Anime, and Recently added on your best TV series.
  • Genre – this all depends on the kind of movies you love Action movies, Romans, Drama, Comedy, Horror, or crime, It very easy to locate using the genre to trace such movies.
  • Year – one can equally use year when such a movie is released to locate it following the sequence of each year 2020, 2019, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2015, and so on.

Lastly one can also use the country categories to search for movies such as India, China, USA, Japan, UK, Russian, Mexican, and Spain to find a movie of your choice.


How to Watch/Download Popular Movies On 123Movies

It’s quite interesting because this platform offers the best quality video streaming sites like on 320p, 720p, 1080p, Blu-Ray, and Full HD and so many others through a different link server.

Most importantly for those who do not know how to download movies from 123movies using the downloader. This website is compatible with virtually all mobile phones and PC, here is how to go about it.


  • Go to 123movies
  • Search on the particular movie you intend to watch or download using the search bar and click
  • You will automatically be redirected to the next page, there you can now download movie
  • At this point you have two options; first is to stream in HD while the second is to download in HD.
  • Tap on the download
  • Select quality desire, pick a file location to store and click to download.

The steps above will enable you to conveniently watch free movies online or download movies on 123movies. Moreover, you will need to register an account which is equally free of charge.








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