LinkedIn Groups – Difference Between LinkedIn Groups & Company Page

LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn Groups – Difference Between LinkedIn Groups & LinkedIn Company Page

LinkedIn groups are a great way of learning from other professionals while also connecting with prospects in a natural way. What’s the good news? You may still use LinkedIn groups to harvest emails for your company sales process.

LinkedIn is a business-oriented version of Facebook. It’s a great place to make professional connections, find employees and freelancers, and promote your company. LinkedIn is a well-developed knowledge site that, at first glance, may appear complicated and confusing. Learn how to make the most of LinkedIn’s various services, such as Groups and Company Pages, to best serve your business needs. Networking can be done through Groups, and marketing can be done through Company Pages.


What are LinkedIn Groups, and how can I join one?

LinkedIn groups are yet another option for professionals to interact on the site: ranging from industry-specific to role-based, these ‘micro-communities’ on the platform may frequently provide valuable insights and more powerful engagement.

LinkedIn groups “offer a place for professionals in the same field or with similar interests to share their views and experiences, seek for advice, and establish valuable connections,” according to the Microsoft-owned platform.

Individual company salespeople can join LinkedIn groups to engage in more natural interactions with their prospects. It takes time, but it also requires sharing industry material and understanding more about the buyer personally. Businesses can also use LinkedIn groups to develop a community for their product or service.


LinkedIn Company Pages

Consider Company Pages to be your LinkedIn business webpage. Other LinkedIn members use your Firm Pages to learn more about your company and stay informed about updates and events. Visitors to your Organization Pages can create sales, and LinkedIn makes Company Pages personal by making information about the individuals who work at your company available. Firm Pages, according to LinkedIn, “show the human side of your company.”



Groups are a feature on LinkedIn that allows users to establish and join groups. On LinkedIn platform, groups are smaller networks; they are sometimes private, and only members can post and view other members’ contributions. This is a practical approach for companies to connect with one another. Any LinkedIn member can read the contents of Open Groups. Open Groups are a great method to communicate with other Group members while also doing some advertising.


Marketing in Company Pages & LinkedIn Groups

You’ll want to locate your Company Pages if your goal is to advertise items and services and make revenue. LinkedIn may have already discovered your business and posted information about it, such as what you sell and how to reach you. Groups are primarily for networking and communicating with other business people; Company Pages were created specifically as a marketing tool.


LinkedIn Control

You have complete control over your Groups and participation in them. To manage your Company Pages, go to LinkedIn and look for your existing Company Page; if you don’t have one, you can create one. To prevent unwanted changes to your Company Pages, you must also assign administrator roles to selected employees (or yourself).


How to Find Groups on LinkedIn

It’s simple to find and join a group on LinkedIn; all it takes is a little time and honesty about what you’re searching for.

  • Navigate to find groups to join
  • Enter a search term in the search bar.
  • Tap Search after typing keywords or group names into the search window.
  • Filter the results by tapping Groups at the top of the page in the search results page.
  • To discover more about a certain group, tap its name.
  • Tap Ask to join.


Should I start a LinkedIn page or group?

Whether you should use a Group or a Page depends on your aims, and you may want to start with simply one. A Page is best if you want your stories and postings to be shared widely by professionals on the network and if you want to establish a following of like-minded people.


How to Create a LinkedIn Group

  • Go to the homepage of your Groups.
  • In the upper right corner of the page, click Create group.
  • For each field in the Create group pop-up box, follow the steps below.
Group name Give the group a name that reflects its mission/theme.
Description Write a quick explanation so that visitors to your page understand what the group is all about.
Industry (optional) Add like three industries that are relevant to the group
Location (optional) Type the address and choose the appropriate option from the dropdown menu.
Group rules (optional) Make a list of the group’s rules and regulations, as well as any other obligations from the members group.
Group discoverability   If you want your group to appear in LinkedIn search results and be visible on your LinkedIn profile, choose Listed.
  If you don’t want the group to appear in search results for non-members, choose Unlisted. Your LinkedIn profile does not display unlisted groups.
The information published in any group (listed or unlisted) is exclusively accessible to its members.
Permissions If you want your group members to be able to invite their connections to join, select Allow members to invite their connections.
If you wish the member posts to be approved by admins before being displayed  in the group, choose require new posts to be vetted by admins.
  • To upload a group logo, click the Edit icon above the Group name.
  • To upload a cover image, go to the upper right corner and click the Edit icon.
  • Click Create.


How to Create a LinkedIn Page

  1. In the top right corner of your LinkedIn homepage, click the Work icon.
  2. Create a Company Page by clicking the Create a Company Page button. When creating a Page for a company or business, you’ll also choose this option.
  3. Choose from the following options for the Page type you want to create:
  • Small company
  • Business with a medium to large size
  • Page for showcasing
  1. Fill in the information for your Page’s identification, Company or Institution data, and Profile details.
  2. Verify that you have the authority to create the page on behalf of that company or business by checking the verification box.
  3. Create a new page by clicking the button.
  • You may not meet the Page creation requirements or have reached the limit for Pages produced if you receive a red error notice.
  1. To begin creating your page, click Start building.


Is creating a LinkedIn Company Page free?

A LinkedIn Company Page can be created in minutes by anyone with a company name and email address. The best part is that it’s completely free and simple to do. There are 200 million LinkedIn users.


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